Note: I am not an official teacher or GSI for any of the courses listed on this site unless otherwise stated. Any problems and notes are created from my own observations and may not accurately reflect the course's content.

CS 61A

Semester: Fall 2019

CS 61A is intro level computer science course. For many, this is the first experience with programming. The official title is 'Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs'. The course covers:

  • Environment diagrams
  • Higher order functions
  • Object oriented ideas
  • Recursion
  • and more...
The class is not graded on a curve but instead on pre-set grading buckets. There are two midterms, a final exam, and four projects. You can find the course website at

EE 16A

Semester: Fall 2019

This course and its follow-on course EE16B focus on the fundamentals of designing modern information devices and systems that interface with the real world. Together, this course sequence provides a comprehensive foundation for core EECS topics in signal processing, learning, control, and circuit design while introducing key linear-algebraic concepts motivated by application contexts. Modeling is emphasized in a way that deepens mathematical maturity, and in both labs and homework, students will engage computationally, physically, and visually with the concepts being introduced in addition to traditional paper/pencil exercises.

You can find the course website at

CS 61B

Semester: TBD

CS 70

Semester: TBD